Week 6 - Summer

A picture of the board should be available tomorrow.  Here's the basic contents for this week's box:
  1. 1 pound of fava beans.  Hope you're enjoying them - they contain high amounts of protein for a fresh bean and are quite tasty.  They're still pretty small so the inner shells can be eaten or removed - your choice.  We're shelling the beans, remove the beans and then par boiling them for 2 minutes, max.  They you can squeeze the inner bean out of the shell and eat.  If you'd like to shell a lot of them and then toss in a skillet with some salt, pepper and olive oil, it is a tasty treat.  I've also read that people use them in place of avacado for a bean guacamole.  They're very common in Egypt so think about those spices if you want to use them creatively (corriander, cumin, cinnamon, etc).
  2. A box of peas - the report is that these are almost done producing.  Peas and favas don't like the heat.
  3. A few tomatoes or maybe a summer squash - I don't know how many Sheryl and Nick were able to find but they're starting.  I have a feeling you either got 1 tomato or 1 squash.  Enjoy the first bites of these beauties!  The tomatoes are from the hoop and the squash was transplanted out early.  Don't worry, there will be tons in a few weeks.
  4. A nice bunch of carrots
  5. A nice bunch of onions
  6. A bag of lettuce
  7. A bunch of either kale or collards
  8. A bunch of beet greens (Bull's Blood - are they pretty!) or a bunch of swiss chard
  9. A bunch of radishes or a bunch of sprouting broccoli or one kohl rabi.  We peel the kohl rabi, slice it and sprinkle with a little salt - sometimes a little lime juice but I find it nice with just a little salt.  It will be sweeter in the fall but is still tasty now.
  10. A sprig of basil
  11. 2 sprigs of rosemary
  12. A little thyme, mint and oregano.
Hope you're staying cool.  Enjoy!

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