Spring Season - Week 4

Hello -
It was another week of tasty veggies.  So far the plants are coming through and yields have been strong.

Today we distributed the following:

 (Here's one of the lettuces.  Thanks for posting, Jenny.)

  1. A bunch of young choi.  This is so tender that you could eat fresh or cooked.
  2. A bunch of arugula - don't forget, the buds are very tasty too.
  3. A bunch of escarole.  This looks like lettuce but is bitter in comparison.  Toss this into the end of the cooking process in a saucy dish (like chicken with some broth) or use in a soup.  It's commonly used in Italian cooking.
  4. A bunch of mustard - either green (very spicy) or red-veined (milder).  Eat fresh or saute or make a pesto with this.
  5. Either parsnips or carrots - the last of the parsnips until next fall and the last of the carrots for a good awhile.
  6. A bunch of radishes.
  7. A bunch of lettuce - a beautiful bibb lettuce (red and green) or a red romaine or a few heads of crinkly leaf lettuce mixed with romaine.
  8. A bunch of chard.
  9. A large bag of spinach.
  10. Some thyme
  11. A head or 2 of garlic
  12. Some sorrel.  This is a citrus-flavored herb.  It is commonly used in soup but I didn't distribute enough of it to make soup.  Hopefully in a few weeks you'll receive this in quantity.  In the mean time,  dice this up and toss it into your salad.  A little goes a long way.  Or use it sliced on fish or chicken or rice.
I wish I had taken a picture of it all.  If anyone does, please send it to me and I'll post it.

Thanks & enjoy!


  1. Question on the Sorrel - you mentioned that it is lemon-ee. I really like lemongrass scented body lotions. If I juice this, I wonder it if would add a nice scent to lotion...any thoughts on this?

  2. I really don't know. I'm wondering if you'd need to concentrate it (remove some of the water). I'll ask my friend, Angela, who knows a lot about tinctures.
