Week 17 - September 22 & 25

This week's Box is projected to contain:

  1. 2 lbs. potatoes
  2. A box of tomatoes
  3. 1 lb. beans (maybe less, maybe more)
  4. Your choice of either summer squash, okra or eggplant
  5. A bunch of mustard greens - red band or in a bag?
  6. A bunch of arugula - yellow band or in a bag
  7. A couple of turnips - these are good raw - peel them, slice them and eat with a little salt or a little lime juice. Or you can saute in a stir fry.
  8. One red onion
  9. A head of garlic
  10. Wednesday's box = 2 radishes
  11. A bunch of chard - blue band
  12. A bunch of collards - green band
  13. Spicy peppers - maybe sweet as well.
  14. U-pick flowers from either the east garden or the red zinnias in the front garden.
  15. Herbs as available.
Tomatillos are falling off the plants. If you'd like to pick some up to make salsa verde, feel free to do so. They're in the far side of the east garden, past the beans.


  1. You weren't kidding about the tomatillos falling off - quite a bumper crop out there!

    Jennifer, what is the white flower with the large dark center rimmed with orange? They're very striking!

  2. I think you're talking about the Prince Zulu Daisy - they're my favorite! I seeded an entire flat of these and only 8 plants made it to maturity. The plants are small so I think a lot of people pass over them. Glad you found them!

  3. Thanks for the info - I might try to find some for my front flower garden next year. They're the coolest daisy-looking flower ever! :^)
