Extended Season - Week One, October 20, 2010

Thanks for participating in this extended season.  Here's what's in the box today:

  1. 1 Quart + a few more of tomatoes
  2. A handful or more of green tomatoes
  3. 1 daikon radish (try using these like potatoes - use when baking a roast and they'll take on the flavors of the meat with a bit of their own flavor as well.  I hear the greens are also tasty.  Also one member suggested grating it and adding to tuna fish with some salt and pepper.)
  4. Either acorn squash or spaghetti squash
  5. Either kohl rabi or a few turnips
  6. A bag of spinach
  7. A bag of brussels sprout tops - either steam these or saute or boil like cabbage.  Interesting change for greens.
  8. A bunch of chard
  9. A bunch of arugula
  10. A nice amount of bok choi
  11. A few red onions
  12. A head of garlic
  13. 3 - 4 sweet peppers
  14. 5 - 10 spicy peppers
  15. 1 or 2 radishes (this is a mix of Shunkyo (long and red), French Breakfast and Cherry Belle).
  16. A small bunch of carrots
  17. U-pick flowers
  18. Herbs including sage, thyme, parsley, garlic chives, chocolate mint, and rosemary
Have a great week!

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